vancouver in-home newborn session {vancouver lifestyle photographer}

Little Manu was born just a week and a half before our Jamie. She is so beautiful & so is the love that surrounds her & spending a Saturday morning with these three in their cozy Vancouver home was just the very happiest. 

woodland adventures {vancouver children's brand photographer}

I had such a lovely time running down forest pathways with these beautiful children in beautiful clothing designed by Teryn Francoeur. (She is no longer selling these items, because I waited a little too long to blog this session from last spring, but I love them so much that I decided to put up a few of the images anyways.) Because flower crowns. And woodland adventures.



{vancouver family photographer} our everyday moments

My goal this year has been to capture more real moments and to care less about perfection. It's definitely been a learning curve. (Jorge says this tweet he came across perfectly describes me: *wife runs back into house which is on fire* Me: "What are you doing?" Wife: "I just want to straighten up a little before the firemen get here.") But I've been trying. At least some of the time. I really have.

And so, while one little sick 3-month old naps and the other 3-year old zooms fire trucks around our family room in his pajamas, I decided to drink my cold coffee and put together some photos that summarize our 2018 so far.


once upon a summer day {crescent beach family photographer}

This was last summer already - I can hardly believe it - and it warmed my heart to meet this beautiful family. They're originally from Quebec, but have moved to Vancouver for a few years, to give their children an opportunity to explore a different part of Canada. They love to discover the world together, and their love for each other was so evident even in the short time we spent together at Crescent Beach. 

We had so much fun we forgot that the tide was coming in - and as the sun set I may have found myself stranded, wading through knee-deep water with my camera bag and lenses precariously perched on my back, but it was so worth it.