
{tower beach family photographer} - sunflares & pebbles

I love this family session.

A November day dripping with magical, translucent winter light & filling my heart overflowing with happiness.  A day in which the sunflares found my camera & we lost our breath with the colours of the sunset.

This family is beautiful together; we picked berries & leaves, ran down forest pathways, gathered smooth handfuls of pebbles and watched pink-stained skies drift into yesterday.

{vancouver family photographer} - spring mini family sessions

I've had lots of requests for mini sessions now that flowers and springtime are here - sooo... I'm very excited to let you know that I'm now offering Mayflower Mini Sessions*!


Send me a message through the contact form on this website, or an email at hola[at]emmylouvirginia.com if you're interested :)  Can't wait to hear from you!

*Valid for children & family sessions, from now through the end of May; only at locations within Vancouver; 5 people maximum per session.

{vancouver lifestyle family photographer} - marshmallow morning

The first time I met this family, this sweet little girl was just on her way, and her sister hadn't yet figured out what being an older sister was all about.  It's been fun to see them both through my camera lens, growing up and changing and (quite possibly) becoming even more adorable.  The one constant in all of our sessions over the past couple of years has been their favourite stuffed bunnies - they always make an appearance, looking even more "loved" than the time before :)

We decided to do a lifestyle session at their home, which is lots of fun - especially when the home is full of windows and streaming natural light.  So this is their Saturday morning, filled with love and everyday life and big blue eyes and marshmallow bribes, and I love it.

& this was 2014

What happened last year?

Everything blurs together and then suddenly focuses.  Our son was born, and that was the end of life as we knew it and the beginning of something full of blessing.  This is our Matthias, our gift of God, a few hours after he was born.  Every time I look at this picture, I remember the pain and exhaustion of standing up, of holding my camera steady in the low hospital light, but the knowing that I would want to have taken this photo.  And every time I look at this picture, I am so glad that I did.  He's not wrinkly anymore, or red, and his hair is much lighter and he's twice as big, and sometimes this photo makes me want to cry.  So maybe this is my favourite photo of 2014.

But that's not it.  In 2014, I met so many amazing people, so many happy families that laughed together.  I captured so much joy, and that is what I want to share with you below.  

(Disclaimer: I tried to choose just a few favourite photos of 2014.  Truly.)